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2002/04/23 Star Wars: Jedi Academy (Jedi Academy, #1), Star Wars: Jedi Academy 2: Return of the Padawan (Jedi Academy, #2), Star Wars: Jedi Academy 3: The Phantom Star Wars: Jedi Academy 6: The Principal Strikes Back Star Wars: Jedi Academy is a non-canon series of Star Wars young-reader novels by Jeffrey Brown and later Jarrett J. Krosoczka and Amy Ignatow, published by Scholastic, targeted at grade-school audiences. The original series focuses on the adventures of Roan Novachez, a young boy from Tatooine who learns to his surprise that he is sensitive in the Force and has been invited to attend Jedi In the Star Wars Jedi Academy books, we meet several of the young jedi-in-training. Books 1-3 follow Roan, his crush Gaiana and their other friends. In books 4-6 we have a new hero, Victor Sparspeeder - Victor is a troublemaker Jedi Academy VenturianTale 2 videos 253,740 views Last updated on Jul 14, 2014 Play all Share Loading Save Sign in to YouTube Sign in JEDI ACADEMY 4-PLAYER MULTIPLAYER! - Naruto, Rock Lee star wars: jedi knight jedi academy free download. Dusty's Patch (a Jedi Academy SP mod) A mod aimed at improving the SP experience of the third game in the Jedi Knight series, Jedi Knight: 2020/05/09

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